
Text-Shadow Anti-Aliasing

Like many people in our industry, I have been reading and learning about typography on the Web to find good ways to embed fonts using @font-face while nimbly dancing around the many complexities of different browsers and formats. It’s very exciting to see more and more sites using “non-standard” fonts. However, one of the issues we as web designers currently have to deal with is the differences in render in font hinting between browsers and operating systems.

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Business as Usual?

I’ve been back from Uganda for two weeks now. I’m caught up on projects and life in general. Africa was a joy to visit, what little of the continent I got to see. At first, I wasn’t sure if it would be worth the money to go to Uganda as a consultant to Youth With A Mission—this was a volunteer opportunity. Now on the flip side though, I’m very glad I did!

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