Resisting Stagnation
Swamps smell. Sure, they are teeming with organisms, but they are usually gross and slimy. A river has power, motion, and is going somewhere. I want to be a river, not a swamp.
I work part time at a local restaurant. Not only does this help pay the bills, but it also gets me out, away from the computer screen, and interacting with real people. One of the reasons I have this job is for this variation on my days. It allows me to discuss different issues with a very wide variety of people. I also network with people in my own and other fields (and you know how we web guys are big on networking). It keeps me fresh.
The restaurant has shut down for a month while renovations take place: now what? I refuse to become stagnant. With this extra time on my hands I have determined to learn other programming languages: I want to be more highly skilled. I plan on redesigning this website: it does not serve well in its current form. I also have aspirations to take extra time to stay fit physically, create quality time with people, and of course, build this business of websites.
It is that whole concept of life-long learning. If I don’t press forward, I am standing still - I am stagnating, and starting to smell. But the possibilities when one continues to learn are exciting. I will continue to learn, flowing forward.