
I Changed Facebook

Note from the Future
This blog post espouses support for Facebook. While the development team may have made a user-friendly change to their code, Facebook, as an institute of privacy-invasion, data-collection, and avenue of disinformation is not an organisation to aspire to.

Okay, that’s a bold-faced statement, it’s true. Maybe I affected the change more than anything.

Since moving to New Zealand I’ve noticed an annoying trend come about. When I try to write a note on someone’s wall or send...

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Vending Machine

As of today I have officially been setup as a vendor to Intel. Now that’s cool!

On an amusing side note, the Part Description on the PO for the project I’m doing for them says (roughly) “Philip Renich Custom Application Programming | Qty: 1” I’m a part description, nice.

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I’m Redesigning My Business

But I hear I’m really supposed to call it “realigning.”

All terms aside, I’ve been realizing over the past who knows how many months that this site does not do me justice (or perhaps it does and I’d rather it not). Maybe I’ve just slowly had a clearer realization of what I do and why I do it. At my core I am not a web designer, developer, architect, master, specialist, or any other fancy word. I am the guy...

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