
Time to Launch

I'm finally pushing this site live and flipping the DNS switch. I've pushed the line for what's ready back far enough. Like the about page currently says, this is a work in progress of a site.

In no particular order or timeline, here is what I would like to add to this site:

  • Old blog posts from for posterity
  • Homemade projects and apps I want to share
  • Port my photos from Instagram so they live here first and foremost (own your own data).
  • And...

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Making Fast and Lightweight Webpages (When Every Byte Counts)

As computers and internet connections have improved for the top tier of users, it has become common to see a webpage download several megabytes of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other assets. This can quickly turn into a poor and expensive user experience, yet it’s all but free for the developer. Storage and server bandwidth are incredibly cheap, only becoming expensive when dealing with gigabytes of data delivered at vast scale. But what happens when you’re suddenly limited by your storage?

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Score a Dribble Invite

Dribbble just announced that they’ve sent out a new batch of invites for current users to draft new people. I didn’t get any, but it reminded me that I still have an invite to give away. If you want it, here’s how you can be drafted!

imageI’m going to do a little competition. Last time I just checked out people’s portfolios, but I want to have a some fun this draft round. So make something awesome by hand, take a...

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