Using the new CSS :has()
pseudo class, also known as the parent selector, to highlight table columns on hover.
While working with large tables of data, it can often be difficult to scan through all the rows and columns. Without visual styles, pinpointing information at the crossroads of a specific row and column is challenging. One way to assist sighted people in parsing your data is to highlight both the row and column they hover over or tap on, creating a crosshair at that table cell.
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The discussions around progressive enhancement and failing JavaScript often center around the user or the network, but sometimes JavaScript fails to load because of the development process. While it may be a rarer occurrence, when it does happen it can be a much more severe issue. This is yet another reason why building websites with solid HTML and CSS practices first—with layered, enhancing JS second—is important.
Here's an example.
I've recently been helping a colleague transition from marketing to development. She's taking...
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